Choose The Light

The gap is very slight
Between the light
And the darkness
There’s no rest
Said tall Albino
To little Jackson

His look deep
A dark priest
Long black coat
String of thorns
Diggin’ white flesh
’round skinny neck

Don’t fear any end
My dear friend
Choose the light
Accept the fight
Don’t fear any end
Beautiful friend
Choose the light
Accept the fight

Rev’rend King says
Darkness never has
Driven out darkness
Please, don’t guess
Do check the gap
And run the right lap

Don’t fear any end
My dear friend
Choose the light
Accept the fight
Don’t fear any end
Beautiful friend
Choose the light
Accept the fight

Only light can do
For this I say to you
Do not linger on
Your heart strong
Go straight ahead
Take your own way

Don’t fear any end
My dear friend
Choose the light
Accept the fight
Don’t fear any end
Beautiful friend
Choose the light
Accept the fight

Choose the light
Accept the fight
Choose the light

By A. Peter

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